Old-school ‘marketing’ involves paying through the nose for [mostly] unimaginative campaigns that plaster the nation’s billboards, and get minimum chatter for your buck. Correct? We think so.
Years of research, marketing psychology and higher levels of consumer perception have all contributed to ‘the rule of 7’.
The Rule of 7
All this research has taught companies that consumers need to ‘hear’ a company’s message 7 times before taking action. Apparently this ‘rule to live by’ was coined in the 30s in Hollywood when studio bosses realised quite how much advertising was needed for a movie to become a hit.
Today, with attention spans being shorter than ever, and really having to earn someone’s time, companies’ odds of reaching that ultimate ‘7 time’s a charm’ mark are slim. Hence why Social Media and PR are really where time and attention needs to be spent, as these are the easiest ways [many would say] into a consumer [or group of consumers]’s brain.
Social Media allows businesses to engage a consumer whenever and wherever they like: on the tube, on their walk to work, between meetings, or (and we know you’re guilty of this too!) even in the bathroom. This content becomes meaningful when you connect on a personal level with a consumer, and offer them something they want, something they didn’t already know, or something they think is beautiful. If you can tell the consumer a story about your business, why it’s different, and something personal about yourself, your employees or the journey you’ve been on to get where you are, you’re on the first stepping stone to making those meaningful connections, and sticking in their mind.
Another of the key elements of Social Media, that many companies overlook, is the ability for consumers to tell others about the positive experiences they’ve had with a/your brand. If these are genuine and positive reviews, you’ll start to see that they become contagious, and your army of advocates will start to grow.
If you’re interested in The Brand Whisperer’s Social Media or PR offerings, and the difference they could make to your brand’s interaction with your target market, please do send us an email or follow us on Instagram.