Skincare post-Allergic Reaction, in support of Allergy Awareness Week (20th-25th April 2021)

With stress listed as one of the top three reasons for triggering skin conditions and reactions, it is no surprise that the current ‘state of things’ is making our skin more fragile than ever.

Allergy or blemish

A skincare reaction can be provoked or produced by: allergies, irritation, hormones, a combination of the wrong products (generally those pesky acids), the climate and much more, so it is no surprise that teenagers and adults struggle to combat the reactions we’re faced with.

Today, we want to talk specifically about allergic reactions – what they are, how to avoid them, and most importantly: how to fix them.

An allergy is defined by the NHS 🙏 as a reaction that the body has to a particular food or substance, with chemicals listed as one of the most common. Having an allergy can then lead to an allergic reaction, which is often irritating, painful and in some cases life-threatening.

However, skincare allergic reactions can often be mild and manifest as irritable or sensitive skin, which most #skingeeks or #beautyaddicts find very inconvenient. Here are our top tips for treating an allergic reaction once it has occurred (but please do remember, the team at The Brand Whisperer might be THE BEST but we are not doctors, so keep a close eye on your symptoms and speak to your GP if you need a medical opinion).

The Obvious: STOP Using Whatever Is Irritating Your Skin!

It may be the product of the century, your dream lipstick, or a product you have been waiting on for months. But if it’s making your skin react negatively - it has to go. Depending on the product, you could donate it to a friend or family member, or even a women’s shelter. At least this way someone gets to enjoy it – and the environment will thank you too!

Stay Hydrated: SO Simple Yet SO Important

The average adult in the UK only drinks 1.7Ls of water per day, which is well below the recommendation of 2.5L for men and 2.0L for women. Water is the key hydrating your whole body, as well as your skin - and just like any other organ, drinking lots of water will help to flush out any toxins. Products can also help with hydration, especially in the evening as the body goes into repair mode as we sleep. We recommend The Organic Night Repair Cream with Broccoli, Cucumber and Rosehip from Bumi Naturals. Its organic ingredients such as the Cucumber and Broccoli Seeds have powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic ingredients; perfect for calming the skin after an allergic reaction.

Wave Bye Bye To Wine: Say No to Alcohol 

Okay, so you can have a glass of wine in the evening (although, we hate to tell you that alcohol really does age your skin), but skincare products formulated with Alcohol really affect the skin too. Alcohols are often put in skincare products to help them penetrate the skin, as the molecules are small, however it dries out the skin too, and can cause breakouts. The easiest way to remove Alcohol from your skincare routine would be to read the ingredients list and check for the quality of the products listed. For top-quality ingredients, we would recommend Odylique, a skincare brand that is known for its natural formulations – our personal favourite is the Organic Creamy Coconut Cleanser.

Keep it Simple: A 12-Step Skincare Routine Won’t Save You Now

Your skin is in meltdown mode, so we wouldn’t recommend trying anything new, anything strong or multiple products at once. All your skin wants is to be clean and protected. We recommend you strip your routine right back. If your skin is very susceptible to the sun, then lather on the sunscreen (SPF 50 will be essential in saving your skin), then at night make sure you use a gentle milky cleanser to remove it.

Most Importantly: Let Your Skin Breathe - It’s Gone Through A Lot

Have more questions? Then we recommend speaking to BLOMMA Beauty. BLOMMA Beauty is a cruelty-free online skincare and self-care marketplace. The founder, Karen Mac Donald, wants to encourage people to shop slowly, so is offering virtual 1-2-1 skincare consultations to those unsure how to treat their skincare needs.

 To learn more about our skincare recommendations, or to get an insight into our clients, head over to our Instagram page.

We believe in shining a light on achievements. There’s one right here! Written by The Brand Whisperer’s fantastic PR intern: Natasha Cassidy 🎉

Source: allergy-awareness-week